Cruise: Designing the Future 2

Dr. Phillips and his team are looking to create a paradigm shift in how researchers perform midwater exploration. The ‘twilight’, or mesopelagic zone, is receiving renewed interest from the oceanographic community. There are numerous undescribed species dwelling in the pelagic zone beneath the limits of technical SCUBA diving, and improved survey methods have highlighted the biomass that exists in the twilight zone and beyond.

Cruise: Biodiverse Borderlands

Mineral-Rich Habitats of Southern California The deep sea hosts minerals that contain high quantities of elements that are valuable for human societies. Countries around the world are preparing to develop extractive practices for deep-sea minerals, and baseline biological data are needed to further assess the life that may dwell on or around minerals in different … Continued

Log Post: AUV Sirius: A profile

In nautical terms, a “flagship” is the lead ship in a fleet of vessels. Usually it is the largest, fastest, most heavily armed, or best known of the group. The HMS Sirius was the flagship in a fleet that set out in 1787 from England to establish the first European colony in New South Wales, … Continued

Log Post: The Plastics of the Southwest Pacific

Plastics of varying size, quantity, type, and origin have been found in the ocean, from surface waters through the water column to deep-sea sediments. There are five large offshore plastic accumulation zones in the subtropical gyres of the ocean. The largest is in the North Pacific – the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ – which has … Continued

Log Post: Navigating Drifting Plates, Plastics, and Plumage

Back on land, gazing at the sea and looking back at the Seafloor to Seabirds expedition, I realize what a ride it has been. This is my third sea-going voyage and my first expedition as Chief Scientist. The scientific goals and science team were assembled, and paperwork completed in record time—just under three weeks before … Continued

Log Post: An Artist’s Journey Never Ends

My greatly anticipated journey has come to a close. It will be a shock to walk on firm ground once again and see people other than those 32 fellow travellers that I have spent the past 27 days amongst. For me, this Artist-at-Sea experience has been 27 days of full-on artistic process. This is a … Continued

Cruise: Discovering Deep-Sea Corals of the Phoenix Islands 2

In June, Falkor will return to the Phoenix Islands under Chief Scientist Randi Rotjan. The scientific objectives include continuing to investigate deep-sea microbes’ therapeutic potential; examining how ancient cold water corals survive predation by corallivores; and enquiring into the equator’s effect on the ecology of deep coral and sponge communities.

Log Post: Uncovering the Unseen

Submerged microcontinents, magnetic wiggles, hidden currents, microplastics, and seabirds- There is much to learn out here at sea. The depths of the ocean – from the water column to the seafloor – remain elusive. Advances in ocean technology led to an acceleration of our knowledge of the ocean, but systematic scientific exploration of the ocean … Continued

Log Post: Behind the Scenes of the R/V Falkor: Cool Jobs in Cool Places

My name is Sienna Blanckensee, and I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of Queensland, studying for a Bachelor of Advanced Science. Through this degree, I have found an interest in oceanography. So, when my supervisor, Dr Helen Bostock, presented me with the chance to gain experience at sea for a month, I … Continued