Log Post: Living Fossils of the Atacama Trench | 4K ROV Highlights

An international team of scientists spent two weeks exploring deep waters off the coast of Chile. They set out to characterize the microbial and macrofaunal communities surrounding the Atacama Trench. The researchers observed incredible biodiversity, collected samples for further study, and located Chile’s deepest and most northern cold seeps. At 2836 meters deep, the seeps … Continued

Log Post: Methane Seeps | Living Fossils of the Atacama Trench | Video Update

Searching for tiny bubbles of methane percolating from the seafloor in the deep Ocean takes a dedicated team of scientists and engineers, a robotic guide, and a healthy dose of patience and persistence. During the #AtacamaTrenchAncients expedition, an international team of scientists searched for and found the deepest methane seep documented off the coast of … Continued

Log Post: Guaranteed Discovery | Video Update

In the past decade, Chile has actively promoted the establishment of expansive marine protected areas, including the Nazca-Desventuradas Marine Park, the Juan Fernández Sea Protected Area, and the Juan Fernández Marine Park. These areas are among the largest marine protected zones globally. The biodiversity in these regions exhibits a remarkable level of endemism, with around … Continued

Log Post: Harnessing Innovative Web Tools for Deep-Sea Research and Conservation

Studying the deep ocean has undoubtedly emerged as a key area of scientific curiosity, excitement and inspiration. In recent years, advancements in technology have propelled deep-sea research to new heights, revolutionizing how we gather, interpret, and share vital information. The integration of cutting-edge tools like remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and high-resolution … Continued

Log Post: Microbial Magic in the Deep

Seamounts are oases of life in the deep sea. These towering rocky features provide substrates for diverse animals and serve as conduits for deep ocean water to venture in and out of the crust. Water-rock reactions at and below the seamount are also key to microbial magic in the deep ocean, creating chemical compounds that … Continued

Log Post: OctoOdyssey (too)

Traducción al español a continuación. Today marks the beginning of the Octopus Odyssey (too) expedition, with the goal of returning to the place where deep-sea octopus were first discovered brooding their eggs in hydrothermal springs venting from a tiny ledge of rock offshore Costa Rica called Dorado Outcrop, at a depth of over 3,000 meters … Continued

Log Post: At the Frontier of Science | Video Update

What does it take to truly see the seafloor? Turns out, you must listen! Researchers on R/V Falkor (too) are testing a sonar system new to scientific seafloor mapping: Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar (InSAS). Combining bathymetric data with acoustic imagery allows scientists to paint an incredibly detailed picture of the seafloor using sound beams. InSAS … Continued

Log Post: Inner Space Explorer (ft Verena Tunnicliffe) | Science Story

From a delicate box of seashells gifted by her mother, to otherworldly ecosystems at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, Marine Biologist Verena Tunnicliffe has spent more than four decades studying our Ocean. Driven by a passion to understand the nature and functions of novel communities, she shares her experiences working on interdisciplinary teams and how diverse voices … Continued