Log Post: Biology of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents

Some of the most striking features of the deep sea are the amazing oases of life found at sites of hydrothermal venting. Elsewhere in the deep ocean, there is a low density of animals due to the fact that food is less abundant with depth, and thus, there is not enough energy to sustain a … Continued

Log Post: Mysteries of Perth Canyon

Although we were able to collect the missing ROV part this morning, there is yet another obstacle to clear before we can explore the Canyon for the first time. As soon as we headed back out to the open ocean, we were met with strong winds and swell that persisted throughout the day. This wild weather … Continued

Log Post: The Beauty of Learning

Kiribati Language (English Below) Imwain tokau n te kaibuke ni ira te kamatebwai ae e karaoaki ni marawa aika a kakaoro ao e nang uarereke au atatai ibukin bwain taari ma manina nako. I ataia ae iai ikana n aron te bakoa ao a maiti riki ao n aki nangn ataia bwa bukin tera raoi … Continued

Log Post: Sunday Race Day

Hello there.  Did you miss me?  I’m afraid I have been feeling rather disoriented. Last night (or was it the night before) I was having a weird dream – I had got up in the middle of the night for a Nereus launch but then the dive went wrong and the vehicle had to come … Continued

Log Post: Art Inspiring Science – Marine Plastic Pollution

I have always been interested in art and its role in starting conversations and challenging our way of thinking. I studied art and art history at high school and am a regular visitor to art galleries and exhibitions, especially when travelling. As a marine scientist, I find plankton, deep-sea creatures, and rocks (especially thin sections) … Continued

Cruise: Seafloor to Seabirds in the Coral Sea

Far offshore Queensland Australia, in the Coral Sea Marine Park, is a seafloor full of clues for understanding the complex geologic history of the Australia and the submerged Zealandia continent.

Log Post: Women in Marine Science

For most people, 2020 will forever be known as the year of cancelled plans. For a small group of students, the last months of 2020 brought an opportunity that none of us could have planned: the opportunity to go on the R/V Falkor to get hands-on experience in marine geoscience, thanks to the Schmidt Ocean … Continued

Cruise: Seamounts, Canyons & Reefs of the Coral Sea

As ocean temperatures increase, a pressing global challenge in marine science is to better understand the distribution and characteristics of the critical habitats that support mesophotic and deep-water coral communities. 

Log Post: Darling it’s better, Down in a Wet(ter) Lab at Sea

Trying to understand a constantly moving ocean system is a huge challenge. Accurately measuring the chemistry of the ocean is important for understanding many processes, including nutrient and carbon cycling; ocean circulation and movement of water masses; as well as ocean acidification and climate change. On this expedition, the water chemistry team has the important … Continued