Page: Partner & Grantee Spotlight – Chapter 5, 2023

Ocean Rising Brings High Fashion to Sea Ocean Rising is an initiative of SOI and Nekton to deepen people’s relationship with the Ocean by galvanizing connections and tangible initiatives within significant sections of global culture from the arts, fashion, sport, music, gaming, film, literature, and food amongst others. Ocean Rising is currently focused on music … Continued

Page: Schmidt Ocean Institute 2021 Expeditions

Pinging in the New Year: Mapping the Tasman and Coral Seas  Tasman and Coral Sea, Australia January/February Schmidt Ocean Institute – in partnership with The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 and alongside collaborating researchers from Australia – brought in the New Year on a mission: mapping significant areas of the seafloor of the Tasman and Coral … Continued

Page: ROV Dives – Necker Ridge: Bridge or Barrier?

Led by Dr. Amy Baco-Taylor from Florida State University, the science team will aim to gain insight into central and western Pacific (CWP) seamount lifeforms and distribution, while examining the role of Necker Ridge as a stepping-stone (or blockade) to other parts of the Pacific. They will gather imagery and samples of the seafloor biology … Continued

Page: Schmidt Ocean Institute 2019 Expeditions

Costa Rican Deep Sea Connections Puntarenas, Costa Rica January Dr. Erik Cordes, Temple University Dr. Erik Cordes and his interdisciplinary team will seek out deep sea communities to generate a three-dimensional profile of the methane seeps of Costa Rica. Diving off of the Isla del Cocos National Park, this research will help develop a proposal to expand … Continued

Page: How We Study the Ocean

A brief overview of the instruments oceanographers use at sea, including sea floor mapping with multibeam echosounder, chemical sensors on UAVs, and CTD casts for water samples. Come see inside our wet and dry laboratories, and check out some the Autonomous Underwater Vehicles we’ve worked with. Lastly, meet ROV SuBastian, Schmidt Ocean Institute’s Remotely Operated … Continued

Page: ROV FAQs

Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) SuBastian is recovered after a 13-hour dive. The ROV is connected to the ship via a tether that allows the robot to be piloted and transfers power, data, and video feeds. What is an ROV? ROV stands for Remotely Operated Vehicle. It is an underwater robot, sometimes known as a remote-controlled … Continued

Page: 4500 m Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV SuBastian)

Our underwater robotic research program includes a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV SuBastian) depth rated to 4,500 meters with research capabilities for use on R/V Falkor (too). The ROV is outfitted with a suite of sensors and scientific equipment to support scientific data and sample collection, as well as interactive research, experimentation, and technology development. ROV Frequently … Continued

Log Post: Unicorn Party

It was a magical feeling when the image appeared on the screens. The researchers in the Science Control Room were beyond excited: “This is just like finding a unicorn. You hear about them, some people even believe they exist, but you never expect to come across one,” said Dr. Mak Saito, chief scientist. This particular … Continued

Person: Matt McIlvin

Dr. Matt McIlvin is an analytical chemist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution working in the Saito lab. On this cruise he will be helping with trace metal rosette, CTD, and large volume pump deployments to collect samples for metaproteomics and trace metals analysis. Matt received his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of … Continued

Log Post: Passionately Pursuing Curiosity

It is 2:30am. The day started early with the morning meeting and has not slowed down since. We are at station number 6, the first 24 hour-long station. Dr. Mak Saito is operating the winch at R/V Falkor’s aft deck as the Trace Metal Rosette (TMR) comes up. He has not left this post for … Continued