Cruise: Deep Sea Coral Shakedown

This cruise will focus on the development of safe practices and standard operating procedures for the deployment and operation of remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs), as well as for the ROV data and video management and distribution onboard.

Person: Praditya Avianto

Praditya Avianto is a technician of Marine Geology at Research Center for Oceanography – Indonesian Institute of Sciences with DIII informatics engineering background. He has been working with oceanographic and geological data processing and participating in several research expeditions for more than 20 years. Praditya has lengthy expereince working as a research equipment administrator on … Continued

Person: Saulo Soares

Saulo Soares is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s International Pacific Research Center. Saulo recently earned his PhD in Oceanography from the Department of Oceanography of the University of Hawaii . He also has a B. Sc. in Oceanology from the University of Rio Grande (2005) and in 2007 Saulo earned … Continued

Log Post: Converging on a Point

Science is a process of discovery. There is so much about the world that we do not know; discoveries can be made just about anywhere. Some scientists never have to leave the comforts of their own laboratory as their study subjects may be locally distributed, or they can access information from satellites and other data … Continued

Cruise: Perth Canyon: First Deep Exploration

Perth Canyon is one of Australia’s subsea treasures. Yet many of its deeper reaches remained unexplored, until Falkor’s visit with a deep-diving ROV. This first survey of life in the canyon provided a baseline of deep corals, which will aid in determining the likely future impacts of warming seas and ocean acidification.

Cruise: Net Gains at Station ALOHA

Since 1988, oceanographers have been studying a patch of deep blue 60 miles north of Oahu known as Station ALOHA. But despite extensive work there, much remains unknown about the diversity of the area’s zooplankton.

Cruise: Deeper Views

The focus was on inspiring student participants to move toward careers in ocean science, and for those already headed that direction, to provide much needed training for future expeditions.