We’re all done. Nereus has been safely recovered in board from the last dive, the last CTD is complete and the cable greased. We’re now headed to Jamaica collecting swath bathymetry along the way until we leave Cayman Islands waters around 8pm Sunday. As Vinnie Jones says at the end of “Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels” – it’s been emotional.
But now, it remains only to say thankyou to Capt. Heiko and the officers and crew of R/VFalkor – specially the MT team of Leighton, Nathan and Jimbo who looked after us so well and interacted with us directly in all aspects of the Science we have achieved. Also to Jeremy, our ETO aboard ship and Allison, ashore, for keeping the telepresence rolling and the blogs a posting.
Lastly, a special thanks to the Schmidt Ocean Institute who provided access to the ship and supported theNereus team for this cruise, too – as well as to all the other myriad research agencies and institutions who paid for all the scientists who participated in Legs 1 & 2 of the cruise and for our research expenses.
If anybody fancies accompanying us to the Yacht Club in Montego Bay, Jamaica on Monday evening then please feel free to join us: look for the Nereus T-shirts!!!
Otherwise, this is where the blog ends.
Except for one final word for Maya.