Log Post: First Salt!

Today was a good day. Even before our 7:00 am kick-off meeting on the Bridge, Leighton, Nathan and Jimbo from the Falkor together with Ko-ichi and James from our science team had been up and busy on the back deck readying the CTD for deployment. After a quick polishing of the optical sensors (I like … Continued

Log Post: Catch and Release…

No, wait – the other one: Release then Catch!!! Today was the day that we finally set sail.  Up early for a start-the-day meeting with the Captain, Leighton et al. at 7am on the Bridge then time for due diligence: walking around the labs and making sure that all the science party (myself included!) had … Continued

Log Post: No backing out now!

At some point, whenever you are a chief scientist, there is a moment when you suddenly realize that the focus is about to be all on you for a while. Once upon a while you wrote a proposal.  Some friends of yours thought it sounded harmless enough that they would lend their names (and ideas) … Continued

Log Post: Getting Ready

Today was a quiet but busy day.  All the scientists had arrived by the end of Monday and all the remaining science gear showed up at the ship during the course of the day. [Actually, all but 3 boxes from FedEx due on Wednesday, but we’re convinced all is on track for departure, Thursday at … Continued

Log Post: Memorial Day

We had a rather quiet day on the ship today with all the Nereus team members working away at getting Nereus further prepared for departure. In the morning James, Mike and I met with the Captain to plan ahead for the first few days of science operations after which I took an hour to get … Continued

News: Serendipitous Side Trip

The Falkor team completed the first-ever high-resolution map of deep reefs near the island of Roatan in Honduras. This new resource can be used for many purposes, including to aid future research in the area on the corals and other animals found there, as well as also enabling increased conservation of the reefs. When Dr. … Continued

Log Post: Mobilization

While our cruise doesn’t set sail until Thursday, and most of the science team are not due here until Tuesday, there has been plenty going on aboard RV Falkor already to get prepared for our expedition. Sunday morning, 8am: arrived at the ship last night, crashed out and was awake in time for breakfast and … Continued

Log Post: Captain’s log from March 23, 2013

Time of observations / report:  23rd March 2013 – 12:00 LT (UTC – 4) Position:  22-52.8-N, 090-11.9-W Course and speed:  Courses various whilst mapping survey line, speed 8 kts Sea condition:  4 (moderate) – Short Moderate SE’ly Weather (current and forecasted) – Wind SE’ly 6/7 Air temp:  25.4 C Water temp: 24.3 C Operations narrative: … Continued