Log Post: The More the Better

The oceans are immense – so huge that most of us cannot even grasp the idea of their true dimensions. We often hear that they comprises 70% of our planet’s surface, and that without their waters, life as we know it would not be possible. Leighton Rolley, lead Marine Technician of the Life without Oxygen … Continued

Log Post: Reading the Choppy, Remarkable Waters

Dr. Mak Saito, chief scientist of the Life Without Oxygen expedition, opens the daily morning meeting with good news: “The water has been really interesting and we’re ahead of schedule. I’d like to add one more CTD cast station.” With everyone’s attention, he elaborates, “The O2 in the water is lower than we expected. We … Continued

Log Post: The Mission

The science party and crew aboard R/V Falkor arrived at the first of sixteen stations on the expedition. The team deployed their first CTD rosette to look at oxygen levels in the ocean. Scientists and marine technicians gathered around the visual matrix to try and guess the amount of dissolved oxygen to be found. Everybody … Continued

Page: ROV Dives: Hydrothermal Exploration of Mid-Cayman Rise

During Leg 2 of Oases 2013, HROV Nereus was outfitted with cameras from the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible James Cameron used to make his historic dive to the Mariana Trench in March 2012. Utilizing these cameras, online viewers were able to follow along in real-time as Dr. Chris German and his team aboard R/V Falkor studied, … Continued

Page: ROV Dives: Open Ocean Inner Sea

Dive 1&3: Saanich Inlet, Mcurdy and Elbow Points (no video) Dive 2: Saanich Inlet Cliffs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXBCsApYyDc Dive 4: Strait of Georgia, near VENUS Central Node, for core samples Dive 5: Clayoquot Instrument Platform Dive 6: Barkley Canyon and Coral Cliffs Dive 7: Barkley Mid-canyon West Dive 8: Barkley Mid-canyon West #2 Dive 9: Barkley Canyon … Continued

Page: ROV Dives: Timor Sea Reef Connections

During the 2015 Timor Sea Reef Connections cruise, Falkor's own SAAB SeaEye Falcon ROV was used to survey shallow and deep water corals at Scott Reef in the Timor Sea. Utilizing the camera, online viewers were able to follow along in real-time to see coral diversity as well as a few deep water corals spawning … Continued

Page: ROV Dives – Perth Canyon: First Deep Exploration

During the 2015 Perth Canyon cruise, ROV Comanche was outfitted with cameras to survey for life in the Canyon and conduct studies of deep corals to help determine the future impacts of warming seas and ocean acidification. Utilizing the camera, online viewers were able to follow along in real-time as Chief Scientist Prof. Malcolm McCulloch, … Continued