Person: Thoi Chi Nguyen

Thoi NGUYEN completed his biology bachelor degree in 2005 and ecology Master’s degree in 2008 from the University of Natural Science, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Following his degrees, Thoi began work in March 2009 at the Department of Marine Plankton, Institute of Oceanography (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology). Thoi works in ecology of … Continued

Person: Melanie Abecassis

Melanie is a research analyst from the Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research of the University of Hawai’I, and works at the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center. Her research primarily focuses on habitat modeling for various pelagic species using data from satellite tags deployed on animals. She has a Ph.D. in marine ecology from the … Continued

Person: Dara Tebo

Dara Tebo is a REMUS AUV Operator in the Ocean Systems Laboratory (OSL) at WHOI.  Dara started at WHOI in 2007 working in the Rigging Shop where she fabricated and tested mooring components and established procedures for testing wire used on the UNOLS Fleet.  She has gone to sea with several groups at WHOI deploying … Continued