Log Post: Gatear Antes de Caminar

La cantidad de procesos que tienen lugar en el desarrollo de una tarea determinada, como simplemente tomar una taza de café para comenzar nuestro día, es sorprendente. Dejando a un lado la toma de decisiones involucrada en obtener un buen grano y prepararlo a nuestro gusto, simplemente levantar esa taza no es un logro pequeño. … Continued

Log Post: The Crawl Before the Walk

The series of processes that take place in the development of any given task, no matter how mundane, are astonishing. For example, let us look at having a cup cup of coffee to kickstart the day. Leaving aside the decision-making involved in getting the right kind of beans and brewing them to our liking, simply … Continued

Log Post: Una cuestión de cifras

Los océanos son grandes. El universo es aún más grande. Una aguja en un pajar no comienza a describir la dificultad de encontrar algo en el fondo marino, o debajo de la cubierta de hielo de una luna a 588 millones de kilómetros, orbitando a Júpiter. Afortunadamente, Ben Ayton y Eric Timmons no son hombres … Continued

Log Post: A Numbers Game

The oceans are big. The universe is even bigger. A needle in a haystack does not begin to describe the difficulty of finding what you are looking for on the Earth’s seafloor, much less below the icy cover of a moon orbiting Jupiter 588 million kilometers away! Luckily, Ben Ayton and Eric Timmons are not … Continued

Log Post: Advancing Autonomy at the Costa Rican Shelf Break – Week 01 Video

Researchers are off the coast of Costa Rica, testing robots by integrating sensors, software, and mechanics to create underwater vehicles that can travel through unknown and potentially hazardous subsea regions. These types of vehicles, once able to make decisions without input from humans, will help us understand the oceans of Earth, as well as other … Continued

Log Post: Las caóticas Cocos y Caribe

“Cocos” y “Caribe” son dos palabras que, combinadas, tienen un significado muy específico para cualquier costarricense. Esos son los nombres de las placas tectónicas que han mantenido al país en guardia durante muchísimo tiempo. Solo durante el mes de noviembre, se registraron 62 terremotos en Costa Rica. La subducción de la placa Cocos debajo de … Continued

Log Post: Chaotic Cocos and Caribe

“Cocos” and “Caribe” are two words that, when combined, carry a very specific meaning for any Costa Rican. Those are the names of the tectonic plates that have kept the country on guard for the longest time. During the month of November alone, Costa Rica experienced 62 earthquakes. The subduction of the Cocos plate under … Continued