Person: Adrienne Copeland

Adrienne received her B.S. in Biology and Certificate in Mathematical Biology from Washington State University. Her undergraduate research varied from single celled parasite genetics to mammalian behavior, but all of her diverse research projects employed mathematical tools to understand biological principles. She plans to continue this interdisciplinary approach for her Ph.D. research. Her current research … Continued

Person: Shellie Habel

Shellie Habel is a first year M.S. student in the Department of Geology and Geophysics in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she also received her B.S. in 2013. She works under Dr. Chip Fletcher as a member of the Coastal Geology Group, … Continued

Person: Rachel Orange

Rachel Orange is the Data Department manager for the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory at the University of Hawaii, maintaining the archive of video, images, and other data collected by deep-diving submersibles. She has a B.S. in biology and an M.S. in oceanography from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Rachel is interested in science outreach … Continued

Person: Lauren Harrison

Lauren Harrison is a graduate student at the Pacific Center for Isotopic and Geochemical Research at the University of British Columbia. For the past three years she has been studying the geochemistry of the volcanoes of Hawaii and the Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge using Pb-Hf-Nd-Sr-Li isotopes and trace elemental concentrations. Interpreting geochemical analyses requires an understanding … Continued

Person: Nicky Wright

Nicky Wright is currently completing a Ph.D. at the University of Sydney, Australia. Her research focuses on the effect of oceanic gateways on palaeoclimate throughout the Cenozoic. Her previous work included refining the tectonic history of the Pacific Ocean basin from the Late Cretaceous (83 Ma) to present day, and investigating the relative Pacific seafloor … Continued

Person: Brian Shiro

Brian Shiro is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, where he applies geophysical exploration techniques to search the subsurface for resources that could support life on other planets.  He is also a geophysicist at the NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, where he applies operational … Continued

Person: Harrison Togia

Harrison Togia is currently a graduate research assistant at the University of Hawaii in the Department of Geology and Geophysics. Born on Fort Lewis Army Base in Washington State, he was raised into a strict military family in the Parkland area of Tacoma. As a youth his interests were in mathematics and the sciences, however … Continued

Person: Madhavi Patterson

Madhavi Patterson is currently completing an honours in geology after completing a B.S. (geology & geophysics, geography) at the University of Sydney, Australia. She has worked with the USYD Geocoastal Research Group on projects focused on understanding how fossil coral reefs on One Tree Island in the Great Barrier Reef have responded to sea level … Continued

Person: Josh Tucker

Josh Tucker has been working as a fisheries observer with NOAA’s Pacific Islands Regional Office for the last two years. Over the last year he helped to deploy a series of hydrophones during fishing operations to record marine mammal vocalizations to help identify and understand their interactions with commercial fishing gear. During this cruise, Josh … Continued

Person: Jeremy Taylor

Jeremy C. Taylor is an AUV project manager/seabed mapping specialist with the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division at Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center. He has been mapping the ocean floor with NOAA since 2004. He started in Alaska supporting NOAA’s effort to maintain U.S. nautical charts and is currently in Hawaii collecting multibeam data to help define benthic … Continued