Page: 4500 m Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV SuBastian)

Our underwater robotic research program includes a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV SuBastian) depth rated to 4,500 meters with research capabilities for use on R/V Falkor (too). The ROV is outfitted with a suite of sensors and scientific equipment to support scientific data and sample collection, as well as interactive research, experimentation, and technology development. ROV Frequently … Continued

Page: Previous Student Opportunities – by Cruise

Overview Application Process Apply Online Previous Student Opportunties Investigating Life Without Oxygen in the Tropical Pacific Eastern Tropical North Pacific, Hawaii to Tahiti — January 18, 2016 – February 11, 2016 Large-scale ocean circulation naturally results in low-oxygen areas of the ocean called oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). The cycling of carbon and nutrients – the foundation of marine life, called … Continued

Page: Vehicles Previously Supported

ROV SuBastian being launched off Falkor's aft deck via winch and A-frame. ROV SuBastian Developed by Schmidt Ocean Institute specifically to be operated off R/V Falkor,  ROV SuBastian is outfitted with a suite of sensors and scientific equipment to support scientific data and sample collection, as well as interactive research, experimentation, and technology development. Full … Continued

Page: Open Source Publications – Chapter 7, 2024

Open Source Publications Burns, J., Becker, K., Casagrande, D., Daniels, J., Roberts, P., Orenstein, E., et al. (2024). An in situ digital synthesis strategy for the discovery and description of ocean live. Science Advances, 10(3), doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adj4960.  Revolutionary advancements in underwater imaging, robotics, and genomic sequencing have reshaped marine exploration. Burns et al. present and … Continued

Page: Schmidt Ocean Institute 2024 Expeditions

2024 – The Southeast Pacific The Southeast Pacific Basin, off South America, is one of the most tectonically active areas in the Pacific Ocean. The Peru-Chile Subduction Zone stirs off the continental shelf, where the Nazca tectonic plate dives under the South America plate, forming volcanoes and the 8000-meter-deep Peru-Chile trench. Wind patterns along the … Continued

Page: Partner & Grantee Spotlight – Chapter 5, 2023

Ocean Rising Brings High Fashion to Sea Ocean Rising is an initiative of SOI and Nekton to deepen people’s relationship with the Ocean by galvanizing connections and tangible initiatives within significant sections of global culture from the arts, fashion, sport, music, gaming, film, literature, and food amongst others. Ocean Rising is currently focused on music … Continued

Page: Schmidt Ocean Institute 2021 Expeditions

Pinging in the New Year: Mapping the Tasman and Coral Seas  Tasman and Coral Sea, Australia January/February Schmidt Ocean Institute – in partnership with The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 and alongside collaborating researchers from Australia – brought in the New Year on a mission: mapping significant areas of the seafloor of the Tasman and Coral … Continued

Log Post: VPRII Observes Extensive Diatom Bloom

The results from our Video Plankton Recorder (VPRII) continue to please researchers aboard the first Falkor shakedown cruise. “We made our daily stop for a CTD cast and a plankton net tow, and the VPR was redeployed easily in calm seas,” said Dr. Cabell Davis, the mission’s Chief Scientist. “With three successful plankton tows for … Continued

Log Post: Place your bets!

We’re aboard the R/V Falkor on a #HydrothermalHunt in the unexplored parts of the Mariana back-arc. Hydrothermal vents host some of the most unique chemical environments and biological ecosystems on the planet. On this expedition, we are focussing our search on the segments of the Mariana back-arc that are numbered 4-10 on this map. We … Continued

Person: Matt McIlvin

Dr. Matt McIlvin is an analytical chemist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution working in the Saito lab. On this cruise he will be helping with trace metal rosette, CTD, and large volume pump deployments to collect samples for metaproteomics and trace metals analysis. Matt received his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of … Continued