Cruise: Trans-Atlantic Shakedown

This cruise is a part of the shakedown phase of the R/V Falkor initial science operations. During shakedown, all of the systems and oceanographic instruments on board the ship will be tested and calibrated. The ship’s layout and functionality will be evaluated against the needs of future scientific expeditions.

Cruise: Tracking the Tasman Sea’s Hidden Tide

The first ever comprehensive study of the largest, most focused internal tide on the planet, which moves across the Tasman Sea each day. During this expedition, researchers will amass data that will improve general understanding of the phenomenon, as well as the ability to incorporate internal tide effects accurately in climate models.

Cruise: Mixing Up the Tropical Pacific

Research suggests that small-scale turbulence could play a large role in how the ocean absorbs heat, a key factor in the onset of El Niño events. In July, Falkor traveled to the central equatorial Pacific to give researchers a first view of this smaller scale turbulence.

Cruise: Seafloor to Seabirds in the Coral Sea

Far offshore Queensland Australia, in the Coral Sea Marine Park, is a seafloor full of clues for understanding the complex geologic history of the Australia and the submerged Zealandia continent.

Cruise: Seamounts, Canyons & Reefs of the Coral Sea

As ocean temperatures increase, a pressing global challenge in marine science is to better understand the distribution and characteristics of the critical habitats that support mesophotic and deep-water coral communities. 

Cruise: Necker Ridge: Bridge or Barrier?

This expedition will feature exploration of the Emperor Seamount Chain while researching biodiversity and its drivers. Using currents, mapping, and radio isotopes to track water masses – as well as genetic sampling of corals – the team will determine the driving force behind coral distribution in this region.

Cruise: Voyage to the White Shark Café

The Mariana region is home to the Mariana subduction system. This November, scientists shed light on the Mariana back-arc spreading center looking for new sites of hydrothermal activity.

Cruise: Designing the Future 2

Dr. Phillips and his team are looking to create a paradigm shift in how researchers perform midwater exploration. The ‘twilight’, or mesopelagic zone, is receiving renewed interest from the oceanographic community. There are numerous undescribed species dwelling in the pelagic zone beneath the limits of technical SCUBA diving, and improved survey methods have highlighted the biomass that exists in the twilight zone and beyond.