Log Post: Mind, He Doesn’t Get Out Much

Suddenly, the whole ship seems to have its groove on and science is really clicking. By deciding to focus on our shallowest site, we are stepping up the pace to dive every day, starting at 04h00, and staying out as long as we’re allowed. Reminds me of Summer nights when I was about 10 and … Continued

Log Post: Free Explorers

Today the edits to the plan were minor, and we have started our final push. The weather is grey, with low clouds, irregular seas, and cool temperatures. The forecast calls for an increase in the SE wind. The MVP remains in the water nearly all day, with periodic checks on the fish to inspect for … Continued

Log Post: Almost Home

It’s the penultimate science day aboard Falkor for this cruise, and the team is working hard to tick off the boxes next to jobs that still need to be accomplished. Yesterday they ran the coastal front next to Vancouver Island, then they zig zagged yet again along the continental shelf break. After that it was … Continued

Log Post: When a Plan Comes Together ~ Video Update Week 2

The #LostCityVents team made a breathtaking discovery recently, and when a researcher says "We found something beyond what we could ever expect," you know it's worth paying attention. Using a combination of cutting-edge technology - including sonars on R/V Falkor (too) and autonomous underwater vehicles, CTD sampling, and ROV SuBastian - the team located black … Continued

Log Post: Perseverance

Science progressed today.  But it didn’t come quietly. Last night I realized that if I was sending Blog 28 ashore then I must have been gone from home for 4 weeks already.  And my personal highlight for the cruise, diving to the seafloor at the Piccard site, still lay ahead.  So I was awake at … Continued

Log Post: A Day in the Life of a Seafloor Scientist

I wake up disoriented, not remembering where I am. I sit up and bang my head against the bunk above me. Oh, right, I’m on the Research Vessel Falkor in the Mariana Back-Arc (western Pacific). I stumble-walk across my cabin as the whole room is swaying side to side with the motion of the sea, … Continued

Log Post: Iron City

Last evening Falkor made the turn around South Point, Hawaii Island, and a couple hours later we arrived at Loihi Seamount.  This is my fifth expedition to Loihi, and a trip that I have been looking forward to for many years. This cruise is especially exciting because we are focusing on the unexplored reaches of … Continued

Log Post: Homeward Bound

We’re all done.  Nereus has been safely recovered in board from the last dive, the last CTD is complete and the cable greased.  We’re now headed to Jamaica collecting swath bathymetry along the way until we leave Cayman Islands waters around 8pm Sunday.  As Vinnie Jones says at the end of “Lock Stock & 2 … Continued