Person: Natasha Russell

Natasha Russell is an artist and illustrator based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 2013 with a Ba Hons in Painting she has worked on various projects, commissions and residencies while also working as a printmaking technician and teacher. Her work uses drawing, printmaking and installation to explore the world … Continued

Person: Jasmin McInerney

Jasmin is a PhD Student at University of California Davis studying Water Resources Engineering. Jasmin completed her Ocean Engineering (Honours) degree at the Australian Maritime College (an institute of the University of Tasmania) where she investigated scour – a special kind of erosion – beneath subsea pipelines using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Remotely Operated … Continued

Person: Scott C. France

Dr. Scott C. France is a deep-sea biologist at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. His research interest is the evolution and diversification of deep-sea invertebrates, in particular in deep-sea octocorals. He uses both genetic and morphological data to explore species diversity. He was attracted to a career in marine biology when, as a fine … Continued

Person: Nicole Morgan

Nicole Morgan is a Ph.D. Candidate in Biological Oceanography at the department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science at Florida State University. She received her B.S. in Biology from the University of Texas at Austin in 2008 where she also engaged in undergraduate research in anthropogenic impacts on seagrass bed and coral reefs. The research … Continued

Person: Jaymes D. Awbrey

Jaymes D. Awbrey is a PhD student in Dr. Scott C. France’s lab in the Department of Biology at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette. His research interests are in the evolution and diversification of marine invertebrates, particularly in octocorals and marine gastropods (sea slugs and snails). A primary focus of his research is to understand … Continued

Person: Nina Faure Beaulieu

Nina Faure Beaulieu is currently completing her BA in Biological sciences at the University of Oxford and is then heading for a MRes in Ocean science at the University of Southampton with the National Oceanography Center. During her undergraduate degree, she developed an interest for marine biology and wrote her undergraduate project on microplastics and … Continued

Person: Adrien Segal

Adrien Segal is an artist based in Oakland, CA.  Taking an interdisciplinary approach that integrates scientific research, data visualization, history, and landscape, sculpture is the visual language Adrien uses to reconcile reason and fact with an intuitive experience in form and material. Previous artworks have incorporated national water consumption statistics, 30 years of annual snowfall … Continued

Person: Andrew Corso

Andrew received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from The College of William and Mary in December, 2016. His undergraduate research was primarily focused on using visual ecological principle to design blue claw crab traps that minimized diamondback terrapin by-catch. During his undergraduate tenure, Andrew also participated in Sea Education Association’s Sea Semester program; … Continued

Publication: Oceanography 30(1) Supplement

Bell, K.L.C., J. Flanders, A. Bowman, and N.A. Raineault, eds. 2017. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2016 field season. Oceanography 30(1), supplement, 94 pp.,

Person: Aurelie Tasiemski

Aurélie Tasiemski is Associate Professor of Organism Biology and Leader of the SPICI team in the Evolution, Ecology & Paleontology unit (CNRS UMR8198) at the University of Lille in France. Her activities at the University include research, student supervision, and lectures in immunology and zoology to graduate and undergraduate students. Aurélie has defended her PhD … Continued