Person: Lance Frymire

Lance is a senior in Northwestern Michigan College’s(NMC) Bachelors of Science in Marine Technology. Focus areas of our degree include: Hands-on access to remotely operated vehicles, multiple SONAR platforms, marine instrumentation and marine data processing software. He has been trained trained to be quality technicians able to assist in the calibration, deployment, operation, maintenance and … Continued

Log Post: Plankton ~ Video Update

“As an oceanographer, I’m interested in asking: What do they eat? Where are the plants? What fuels this?” We have to come here to measure what the satellites can not see. The big question is how much of this energy is present. Looking at the ecosystem, it doesn’t appear that there is much going on… … Continued

Log Post: ROV Highlights Part 2 ~ Video Update

Dr. Bruce Robison is the author of more than a hundred scientific papers on a wide range of organisms from fishes, squids and jellies, to krill, dolphins and algae. In this highlight video, take a guided tour with Bruce as he talks through some of the wonderful life that the research team has seen with … Continued

Person: Natalya Evans

Natalya Evans is a chemical oceanographer interested in the cycling of trace, redox-active compounds. On this cruise, she will assist in quantifying iodine and iodate collaboration with the NIRVANA lab group’s measurement of iodate reduction rates and the Bablab’s iodine incubation. Natalya received her BS in Chemistry with emphasis in Materials as well as Environmental … Continued

Person: Ryan Woosley

Dr. Ryan Woosley is a marine physical chemist that specializes in the marine inorganic carbon cycle and ocean acidification. Most of his research focuses on quantifying where and how much anthropogenic CO2 the oceans have taken up over the last several decades. He also works to improve the precision and accuracy of carbon and pH … Continued

Person: Tyler Tamasi

Tyler is a first year PhD student in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography. His research in the Babbin Lab focuses on the biogeochemistry of nitrogen cycling in anoxic marine environments, from the tiny tissues of coral polyps to expansive open ocean Oxygen Minimum Zones. During his undergraduate work, Tyler studied chemistry at Princeton University … Continued

Person: Susan Mullen

Susan Mullen is a biologist who is new the field of oceanography and environmental sciences. Her previous research focuses on cellular biology and cancer metastasis. Her interest in oceanography stemmed from taking a course in field oceanography with Professor Andrew Babbin at MIT. Susan’s interests on the cruise are to study the microorganisms that are … Continued

Person: Rin Moriyasu

Rin received his BA in chemistry from Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. There, he studied the inclusion of water in biogenic aragonite of Scleractinian corals. He is currently a second year graduate student, in the Marine and Environmental Biology department at University of Southern California, working for Dr. James Moffett. Recently, Rin did fieldwork … Continued

Person: Nicole M. Travis

Nicole is a PhD candidate at Stanford University, studying oceanography under the guidance of Dr. Karen Casciotti. She is interested in marine nitrogen cycling, stemming from previous work in algal biofuel production and from studying ecological impacts of wastewater treatment plants. Her current projects investigate how algae and nitrifying microbes in the upper ocean leave … Continued