Log Post: En Medio de la Oscuridad

En medio de la oscuridad, un llamativo tapete naranja y blanco se materializa gracias a las luces del ROV. Jorge, el científico líder en la sala de control del ROV, acerca la cámara. Con un detalle sorprendente, ahora podemos ver la estructura del tapete. Pelos blancos esponjosos en el anillo exterior de la estera y … Continued

Log Post: Out of the Darkness

Out of the darkness, a striking orange and white mat materializes in the lights of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) SuBastian. Jorge, the lead scientist in the ROV control room, zooms in. In stunning detail, we can now see the structure of the mat. Fluffy white hairs in the outer ring of the mat, then thick … Continued

Log Post: Geobiología marina de mar profundo

Hace varios días visitamos Isla del Coco, el único punto de esta cadena de montes submarinos que sobresale de la superficie del mar. El día anterior, exploramos con ROV SuBastian a lo largo de Seamount 7, escalando un empinado muro submarino de basalto volcánico. Mientras caminábamos por los escarpados acantilados de la Isla del Coco, … Continued

Log Post: Deep-Sea Geobiology

Several days ago, we visited Isla del Coco, the only one of this chain of seamounts that extends above the ocean’s surface. The previous day, we explored along Seamount 7 with Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) SuBastian, climbing a steep underwater wall of volcanic basalt. As we hiked up the steep cliffs of Isla del Coco, … Continued

Log Post: Breath-Taking Biodiversity

Discovering a ‘new’ species is a thrill and a privilege. The realization comes with a jolt of excitement: you may be the first person on Earth ever to set eyes on this creature! Many people never get to experience this rush; most biologists will never even describe a new species. Us deep-sea biologists are a lucky … Continued

Log Post: Why Costa Rica Should Study Its Deep Marine Areas?

Costa Rica is a small country in Central America: it measures 51,100 km2, but it also has a huge marine area, more than eleven times its terrestrial area: 589,683 km2, or 92% of the entire country. It has coasts on the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Not only is the marine area large, but most … Continued

Person: Zachary Marinelli

Zac is a research technician in the Joye Research Group at the University of Georgia. He earned a B.S. in Biology and a M.S. in the Biological Sciences from Youngstown State University in 2015 and 2017 respectively. He’s interested in studying microorganisms that inhabit methane-rich environments, especially those involved in the anaerobic oxidation of methane.

Person: Rachael Karns

Rachael Karns is a first year Ph.D student in Dr. Mandy Joye’s lab at the University of Georgia and is extremely excited to be returning to the Gulf of California on her second research cruise. She first earned her B.Sc in Biology at Roanoke College in 2015, and went on to achieve her M.Sc in … Continued

Person: Charlotte Kollman

Charlotte is currently in her first year of her MS program at Coastal Carolina University’s Coastal Marine and Wetland Studies program. She works in the Groundwater Discharge Measurement Facility, as a member of Rick Peterson’s lab, where she studies submarine groundwater flows in bacterial mats on the sea floor using naturally occurring radium isotopes. Her thesis … Continued