Cruise: Studying the Sea-Surface Microlayer 2

This expedition will feature exploration of the Emperor Seamount Chain while researching biodiversity and its drivers. Using currents, mapping, and radio isotopes to track water masses – as well as genetic sampling of corals – the team will determine the driving force behind coral distribution in this region.

Person: Jay Lunden

Jay is a 5th year Ph.D. student in the Biology Department at Temple University. His research focuses on the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. Jay is interested in how OA affects calcification and other physiological processes, and hopes to expand this line of research in his future academic career. … Continued

Log Post: Unidentified Strange Object

Dr. Lam Nguyen-Ngoc leans over his microscope. He is soon joined by fellow marine planktonist Hai Doan-Nhu, and they both smile. The news spreads fast and soon most of the scientific team pays a visit to their workstation in R/V Falkor’s dry lab. No matter how many times they have to load the images again, they … Continued

Log Post: An End to an Amazing Journey 

14 November 2019 marks the bittersweet conclusion to my journey on board the Research Vessel Falkor. As we continue to approach the final destination of our 2,745 nautical mile transit, I am both grateful and overjoyed to have been able to gain the full experience of living life at sea, and I am sad to … Continued

Log Post: AUV Sirius: A profile

In nautical terms, a “flagship” is the lead ship in a fleet of vessels. Usually it is the largest, fastest, most heavily armed, or best known of the group. The HMS Sirius was the flagship in a fleet that set out in 1787 from England to establish the first European colony in New South Wales, … Continued

Cruise: Designing the Future

This expedition will feature exploration of the Emperor Seamount Chain while researching biodiversity and its drivers. Using currents, mapping, and radio isotopes to track water masses – as well as genetic sampling of corals – the team will determine the driving force behind coral distribution in this region.

Person: Praditya Avianto

Praditya Avianto is a technician of Marine Geology at Research Center for Oceanography – Indonesian Institute of Sciences with DIII informatics engineering background. He has been working with oceanographic and geological data processing and participating in several research expeditions for more than 20 years. Praditya has lengthy expereince working as a research equipment administrator on … Continued

Log Post: No Man’s Sea

As the third largest port on California’s coast, San Diego Bay showcases the grip of humanity’s hands on the ocean. From our location, we can see the domineering San Diego-Coronado bridge, flanked by multiple aircraft carriers. We watch as commercial shipping vessels loaded down with cargo make their way into port. But for all of … Continued

Log Post: Converging on a Point

Science is a process of discovery. There is so much about the world that we do not know; discoveries can be made just about anywhere. Some scientists never have to leave the comforts of their own laboratory as their study subjects may be locally distributed, or they can access information from satellites and other data … Continued