Log Post: Living at the edge – An acidifying ocean

The world’s oceans are 30% more acidic today than only 200 years ago. And by the end of this century, ocean acidity is expected to have increased by an incredible 100–150%. Clearly, this does not bode well and you may be wondering what all of this means for the many plants and animals living in … Continued

Cruise: Deep Sea Coral Shakedown

This cruise will focus on the development of safe practices and standard operating procedures for the deployment and operation of remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs), as well as for the ROV data and video management and distribution onboard.

Person: Cédric Boulart

Cédric Boulart is a marine geochemist based at IFREMER in Brest, France. He received his Ph.D. in Ocean and Earth Sciences from the University of Southampton (UK) in 2008, as part of a European Project focusing on the processes at mid-ocean ridges. He specializes in the development of methods and sensors for the detection, mapping … Continued

Log Post: Ocean Hues

My name is Kelly Luis and I am a PhD student at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. I study ocean color from remote sensing platforms and on this cruise, I am ground-truthing ocean color measurements from UAVs and satellites. Hawaiian Blue Water Growing up in Hawai’i, the ocean’s blue hues were the backdrop to my childhood. … Continued

Cruise: Deep Coral Diversity at Emperor Seamount Chain 2019

This expedition will feature exploration of the Emperor Seamount Chain while researching biodiversity and its drivers. Using currents, mapping, and radio isotopes to track water masses – as well as genetic sampling of corals – the team will determine the driving force behind coral distribution in this region.

Person: Paolo Montagna

Paolo Montagna is a researcher at the Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR-CNR) in Bologna with interests in the geochemistry of biogenic carbonates for palaeoclimate reconstructions and biomineralization studies. He obtained his PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Padova (Italy) in collaboration with the Australian National University. He was awarded a three year post-doctoral … Continued

Log Post: A Slick Operation

World firsts, trichodesmium slicks, exciting deployments, skillful recoveries and a few sharks to boot; the past week or so has flown by (quite literally). With so much action packed into such a short period of time, we have to remind ourselves that there are still a few weeks to go! As we begin week two, … Continued

Log Post: Our First Discovery!

One of the first things we did once we arrived at West Mata volcano was resurvey the seamount with R/V Falkor’s multibeam sonar system. We knew from previous repeated bathymetric surveys that West Mata has had frequent eruptions during the last decade, as we shared in our last blog. The last survey was in March 2016, so … Continued