Log Post: An Ocean of Opportunity: Appreciation and Reflection

As my time on board the R/V Falkor has drawn to a close, I look back and reflect on how truly amazing and wonderful this experience was. When I first stepped on board, I was not sure what to expect. Having never been on a research vessel before, this was a completely new experience for … Continued

Person: Anna Romano

Anna is a Research Associate at the University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa, working in the laboratory of Dr. Edward DeLong. She joined the team to spearhead developing high throughput workflows using robotics to prepare marine microbial and marine sediment trap samples for genetic sequencing. In addition to her laboratory role, she joined the UH/MBARI LRAUV collaboration … Continued

Log Post: The Heart of Falkor

Most of the time when you tour a ship you see the main areas where the science gets done, the aft deck, wet lab, control room, but have you ever thought about what powers all these amazing technologies? I didn’t until recently, when I was graciously offered a tour of the engine room, also known … Continued

Log Post: Rocking Around

The swell seems invisible, but is clearly revealed by Falkor’s rocking and rolling. It represents no challenge for the experienced crew and by the end of the day, ROV SuBastian is safely back on the aft deck after twelve hours of exploring the sea bottom. While the cloudscape glows a beautiful purple and orange tint, … Continued

Cruise: The Great Australian Deep-Sea Coral and Canyon Adventure

Rising water temperatures and increasing carbon dioxide concentrations remain among the greatest threats to ocean ecosystems globally. This warming trend and associated ocean acidification poses a unique threat to species that use calcium carbonate to build their shells or skeletons, such as corals.

Person: Nina Faure Beaulieu

Nina Faure Beaulieu is currently completing her BA in Biological sciences at the University of Oxford and is then heading for a MRes in Ocean science at the University of Southampton with the National Oceanography Center. During her undergraduate degree, she developed an interest for marine biology and wrote her undergraduate project on microplastics and … Continued

Log Post: Loihi Seamount – Ironed Out

Like all good things, the Loihi Seamount excursion has come to an end. Close to two weeks onboard the R/V Falkor, and our science crew is leaving with enough data to keep them busy for the next six months. All in all, we had seven AUV Sentry deployments to the two deep regions of Loihi … Continued

Log Post: Behind the Scenes of the R/V Falkor: Cool Jobs in Cool Places

My name is Sienna Blanckensee, and I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of Queensland, studying for a Bachelor of Advanced Science. Through this degree, I have found an interest in oceanography. So, when my supervisor, Dr Helen Bostock, presented me with the chance to gain experience at sea for a month, I … Continued

Cruise: Listening for Cryptic Whales Species

This expedition will feature exploration of the Emperor Seamount Chain while researching biodiversity and its drivers. Using currents, mapping, and radio isotopes to track water masses – as well as genetic sampling of corals – the team will determine the driving force behind coral distribution in this region.