Leg Two, Papahānaumokuākea Monument

The second leg of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument mapping project ran from May 2nd to June 6th. To learn more about the research, please visit the cruise.

The final Papahanaumokuakea National Marine Monument map following both cruise legs. The data collected represents 35% of the Monument area or 127,000 km2; these maps are 7.6x greater than the area of the Main Hawaiian Islands.

Data & Publications

The resulting shipboard dataset is being stored at the Rolling Deck to Repository and is now available.

The resulting bathymetric dataset from the multibeam mapping the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands using R/V Falkor’s Kongsberg EM302 and EM710 is being stored at the Marine Geoscience Data System and is now available.  Leg Two Data; May 2 – June 6, 2014.

Bathymetry data have now been incorporated into a new version of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands synthesis on the PacIOOS site.

  • Kelley, C. 2015.  The Strange and Wonderful Seafloor of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument: New Maps and New Insights from 72 days on the Falkor. Guest Lecturer, Maui Ocean Center, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
  • Kelley, C. 2015. New Insights from Seafloor Mapping of a Hawaiian Marine Monument. EOS, 96. DOI: 10.1029/2015/EO030235.
  • Cruise Report: Revealing Papahanaumokuakea
  • Kelly, Chris. 2014. 72 Days on the Falkor: New Maps and New Insights on the Seamounts and Banks in the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Seminar Presentation for the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, 3 September 2014. 
  • Shapiro, M. 2015. Rediscovering the Northwest Hawaiian Ridge. Invited presentation at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Kilauea Volcano. Volcano, HI.
  • Cooper, Caroline and Sautter, Leslie. (2016). Geomorphic Analysis of Deep Coral Habitat in the Kaiwi Channel, Hawaiian IslandsPoster Presentation, Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Foxworth, Lance and Sautter, Leslie. (2016).  Deep Coral Habitat Characterization of the North End of Raita Bank, Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Poster Presentation, Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • CAPSTONE: 2015 Hohonu Moana: Exploring Deep Waters off Hawaiʻi Bathymetry and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) dive locations from four NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer cruises Map created by NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER). Background data Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community.
  • Bingo, S., Kelley, C., Putts, M., and Moriwake, V. (2018). Identifying and Characterizing High-Density Coral and Sponge Communities on Deep Seamount Ridges Within Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Oral Presentation, Symposium on Science in Support of Archipelagic Management, Honolulu, HI, USA.
  • Smith, J. and J. Tree. (2018). New Marine Geological Maps for the Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge promote a detailed reexamination of giant landslides and their source volcanoes within a 25 Myr context. Oral Presentation, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  • Smith, J. and J. Tree. (2018). New Marine Geological maps reveal the complexity and deep-sea habitability of the northwestern Hawaiian Ridge. Oral Presentation, Symposium on Science in Support of Archipelagic Management, Honolulu, HI, USA.
  • Smith, J. (2018). Geological Mapping of Seamounts and Other Features in the Pacific Marine Protected Areas. Oral Presentation, NOAA Inouye Regional Center distinguished lecture series, Honolulu, HI, USA.
  • Smith, J. (2017). What Lies Beneath? Mapping the Marine Monuments of the Pacific. Public Lecture, Hanauma Bay Educational Lecture Series, Honolulu, HI, USA.
  • Garcia, M., Tree, J., Wessel, P., and J. Smith. (2020). Puhahonu: Earth's biggest and hottest shield volcano. J. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 542, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116296. [This article is OPEN ACCESS until June 26].

In the News

Largest and Hottest Shield Volcano

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Onboard the Falkor: Mapping the Northwest Hawaiian Islands

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