Publication: Orcutt, B.N., L. Lapham, P. Girguis, C.G. Wheat,
K. Marshall, & J. Delaney. (2014). The Microbial Methane Observatory for Seafloor Analysis (MIMOSA): Long-term coupled geochemistry and microbiology experimentation in the deep-sea. Goldschmidt 2014 Meeting. Sacramento, CA.

Orcutt, B.N., L. Lapham, P. Girguis, C.G. Wheat,
K. Marshall, & J. Delaney. (2014). The Microbial Methane Observatory for Seafloor Analysis (MIMOSA): Long-term coupled geochemistry and microbiology experimentation in the deep-sea. Goldschmidt 2014 Meeting. Sacramento, CA.

Publication: McDermott, J.M., J.S Seewald, C.R. German & S.P. Sylva. (2014). Constraints on hydrocarbon and organic acid abundances in hydrothermal fluids at the Von Damm vent field, Mid-Cayman Rise. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

McDermott, J.M., J.S Seewald, C.R. German & S.P. Sylva. (2014). Constraints on hydrocarbon and organic acid abundances in hydrothermal fluids at the Von Damm vent field, Mid-Cayman Rise. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Publication: Klymak, Jody, Susan Allen, Richard Dewey, Stephanie Waterman, Rich Pawlowicz & Steven Mihaly. (2014).Evidence for cross-shelf exchange catalyzed by a coastal canyon. Poster Presentation at Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Rimouski, Quebec, Canada.

Klymak, Jody, Susan Allen, Richard Dewey, Stephanie Waterman, Rich Pawlowicz & Steven Mihaly. (2014).Evidence for cross-shelf exchange catalyzed by a coastal canyon. Poster Presentation at Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Rimouski, Quebec, Canada.