Person: Amadine Gamble

 Amandine Gamble is an infectious disease ecologist leading wildlife health research and training as an Assistant Professor in Cornell University’s Department of Public & Ecosystem Health. Her work aims to unravel how different species or individuals influence pathogen dynamics in ecosystems. Whether it’s determining the populations that fuel the spread of a virus or uncovering … Continued

Person: Jane Younger

Jane Younger is a molecular ecologist in the Marine Predator group at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. Her research is focused on developing cutting edge multi-omics approaches to monitor the complex impacts of climate change on Antarctic biodiversity. Younger’s National Geographic grant (awarded in 2019) supported an expedition to South … Continued

Person: Aaron Micallef

Aaron Micallef is a National Geographic Explorer and the  Principal Investigator of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s Seafloor Processes Lab, where his research centers on seafloor geomorphology, with a focus on developing and applying novel techniques to better understand submarine landscape evolution. Over the past 15 years, he has analyzed a diverse range of … Continued

Person: Angelo Bernadino

National Geographic Explorer Angelo Bernardino is a professor of oceanography at the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo in Brazil, where he studies the ecology of coastal and deep-sea marine ecosystems. Bernardino is currently working to determine the effects of land use and climate change impacts on mangrove forests in the Amazon region. As mangrove ecosystems … Continued

Person: Sarah Seabrook

 Sarah Seabrook is an oceanographer and marine biogeochemist at the Antarctic Research Centre of Victoria University of Wellington. In her research, Sarah works to understand how interactions across physical, chemical, and biological domains shape the structure and function of marine systems. She uses this foundation to ask questions across a range of aquatic systems, from … Continued

Person: Andrew Thurber

Andrew Thurber is an Associate Professor at University of California, Santa Barbara.  His research seeks to understand how the ocean “works” and, in particular, how the processes of the deep and polar seas impact us all.  A main focus of his work is understanding how biology harnesses the potent greenhouse gas methane as a source … Continued

Person: Diego Gimenez

Diego Giménez is an experienced marine biologist who specializes in scientific diving and focuses on Antarctic marine ecosystems. His research primarily investigates carbon storage and sequestration in soft-bottom coastal environments. By analyzing sediment cores, Diego studies carbon dynamics in polar ecosystems, particularly in climate change, glacial retreat, and increased sedimentation from meltwater. Diego has spent … Continued

Person: Manuel Novillo

Manuel Novillo is a marine biologist, ecophysiologist, and scientific diver with a PhD in marine biology from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal (IDEA-CONICET- UNC), where he investigates the effects of global warming on the reproductive patterns of Antarctic fish. His … Continued