Discovering Deep-Sea Corals of the Phoenix Islands 2

Cruise Log

SOI / ROV SuBastian
SOI / ROV SuBastian

Crunching Corals in the Deep Sea

It is likely most of you have never heard the word “corallivory,” and fair enough - it is not in the mainstream. But arguably, it...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

244 Coral Samples, 14 Seamounts, and 2 Glass Octopuses

It has been an epic 34 days at sea, where we have seen no other humans and are now completely saturated in the color blue,...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

The Beauty of Learning

Kiribati Language (English Below) Imwain tokau n te kaibuke ni ira te kamatebwai ae e karaoaki ni marawa aika a kakaoro ao e nang uarereke...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

Phoenix Islands Coral 4K ROV Highlights – Video Update

"The ocean holds wonders and promises we haven't even imagined, much less discovered," Wendy Schmidt, co-founder of the Schmidt Ocean Institute, said about the #PhoenixIslandsCoral...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

The Transit Back

As the Reseach Vessel Falkor made her way north to Honolulu, we prepared samples for shipping by pouring various colors of ethanol into hazardous waste...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

Communities Above and Below – Video Update

From the massive (Whale Shark!) to the tiny (Microbes!), this expedition has touched on a huge range of unique life and and processes. "Working in...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

Local vs. Global Immunity

Ahoy and greetings from the R/V Falkor! My name is Anna Gauthier, and I am a graduate student finishing my Ph.D. at Harvard University under...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

History of Deep-Sea Exploration in the Phoenix Islands

There is an old saying in science: We “all stand on the shoulder of giants,” meaning that our current work would be impossible with the...


Ocean Science and Collage Artistry – Video Update

Artist-at-Sea Constance Sartor is on Research Vessel Falkor working on two of her passions: ocean science and collage artistry. In this #PhoenixIslandsCoral video, she explains...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

Illuminating Coral Environments from Shallow to Deep

When you hear the word ‘coral’ or the phrase ‘coral reefs,’ what image comes to mind? For most people, it is a light-soaked shallow-water coral...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

Searching for the Origin of Immunity – Video Update

"Corallivory" is when a creature consumes parts of a coral. Why are the researchers on R/V Falkor interested in coral predators? What can we learn...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

Seeing Through SuBastian’s Eyes

If you are aware of the current plastic crisis, you usually do not want to be caught sipping your beverage through a plastic straw or...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

The Ties that Bind Us

We often consider life to be diverse. Some living things are mobile and grow hair, such as humans, dogs, and cats. Others are immobile and...

Erik Olsen / SOI

Father’s Day – Video Update

What sacrifices to families have to make in order to carry out science far from land? How do fathers balance family and work at sea?...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

Mechanisms for Characterizing Deep-Sea Coral Biodiversity

The ocean houses vast amounts of biodiversity from the surface waters down to the deepest depths (>10,000 m). The shallow waters of the equatorial central...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

Finding Answers in the High Seas – Video Update

“We’re here really to explore the Deep Sea. We’re here to understand some fundamental questions we have about how life exists and how biodiversity is...

SOI / ROV SuBastian

Collages of Corals

My name is Constance Sartor, and I am an artist and scientist who makes collages out of magazines. Despite the current digital age, there are...

Daniel Vogt

Luck Favors the Prepared

Have you ever set sail on a Luck Dragon? My name is Randi Rotjan and this is my second time aboard the R/V Falkor, named...
