Axial Seamount Cruise 2013

Cruise Log

Mark Schrope

Coming to a Close

Today is our last day at sea. We are steaming along, and will arrive in Victoria, British Columbia by tomorrow morning. This has been a...


Back In the Water

Today was going to be the day. I could feel it in my bones and my stomach. In the past 12 hours, I had not...

Carola Buchner

Silver Lining

Typically on a research cruise as the weather permits, the sub goes down, the samples come up, they get processed, and the samplers get turned...

Carola Buchner

Going Viral

The weather is finally calming down, so it looks like we may be able to wait it out and get ROPOS back in the water....

Leighton Rolley

When Weather Isn’t Small Talk

Weather, weather, weather. It has been a major topic of discussion throughout this cruise. We had weather that prevented us from coming out here as...

Carola Buchner

Making the Most of Borrowed Time

Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me, whether by her amazing underwater volcanoes beneath the surface or her ability to whip up a gale at...


Feeding The Beast

Today was quite a day, and I’m still in the midst of it, so this might be short. When last I wrote we had just...


Sweet Stink of Success

I woke up at 6 a.m. this morning eager to see if we would have a chance to dive. I had slept quite well, which...

Carola Buchner

Wait For It

After a very rough ride, we arrived on station at 6 a.m. today, but weather conditions remained too poor to dive. Our science party is...

Carola Buchner


We left Victoria Harbor yesterday around 9 a.m. with the help of a pilot. The first 8 hours of the transit were very pleasant as...

Carola Buchner

Delayed Departure

Today is the official start to our #Subseafloor Life cruise, but instead of heading out to Axial Seamount, we are sitting on anchor in Victoria...
