This expedition to explore the deep blue canyons off the Ningaloo coast has provided me with an opportunity that I will never forget – I will keep close to my heart the experience of working as part of the team on the R/V Falkor. The marine beauty hidden deep within the ocean canyons has been majestic, mesmerising, unique and spectacular – and it is a blessing to have seen it first hand.
Lasting Memories From a Month at Sea
The opportunity to be on board the R/V Falkor has opened my eyes to the beautiful diversity of the deep blue seas. The team at the WA Museum has taught me the procedures and protocols for storing and documenting specimens; valuable skills that will be so beneficial to my future career. Dealing with deep-sea life and viewing it in situ at such high quality could only be made possible on such a voyage run by the Schmidt Ocean Institute.

Aside from the amazing biological interactions, the whole experience to be away at sea for a month has taught me many skills. Working with the fantastic crew, forming new working relationships, and understanding the fine details needed for such a cruise to run smoothly are just some of the important research skills learned. The exposure to the different crew teams, logistics, and protocols that exist to make such an expedition successful have also provided me with valuable insight.

On to the Next Journey
I will forever remember the great people I have met, the ocean life I have seen, the experiences I have had, and the knowledge I have gained. Being on R/V Falkor has been such a great opportunity, and I hope I get to do it again in the near future. Either way, I have walked away with so many new skills and knowledge to become a competent researcher as I begin my PhD journey.