Trans-Atlantic Shakedown

VPRII launch and recovery

Jul. 22 2012

The Video Plankton Recorder (VPRII), is launched daily during the Schmidt Ocean Institute Research Vessel Falkor shakedown transatlantic cruise.  These videos show the launch and recovery operations recorded today. Safe deployments of VPRII require well coordinated interaction of a complete team, including FK003-2012 Chief Scientist Dr. Cabell Davis, Research Engineer Fred Thwaite, two R/V Falkor line handlers, a winch operator, an A-frame operator, a safety officer, and the bridge and engineering crew.

Launch of Video Plankton Recorder (VPRII) from the Schmidt Ocean Institute Research Vessel Falkor on July 22, 2012 during the shakedown transatlantic cruise FK003-2012 coordinated by Dr. Cabell Davis, WHOI.  Video credit:  Kirk Klocke, Schmidt Ocean Institute.

Recovery of Video Plankton Recorder (VPRII) from the Schmidt Ocean Institute Research Vessel Falkor on July 22, 2012 during the shakedown transatlantic cruise FK003-2012 coordinated by Dr. Cabell Davis, WHOI.  Video credit:  Kirk Klocke, Schmidt Ocean Institute.

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