Angelos Mallios is a visiting investigator at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), USA, and co-founder of Ploatech, a marine technology consulting company. His passion for the ocean and technology motivated him to return to academics after 10 years in the field, earning his Masters (2009) and PhD (2014) degrees on computer vision and robotics at Universitat de Girona, Spain. Angelos’s research interests include the design and autonomy of underwater vehicles and their sensor technology. Angelos has been working in marine research since 1999, where he has served as a diving and ROV supervisor, been responsible for the maintenance of the manned submersible THETIS at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), and participated in a number of research cruises. For the latest Coordinated Robotics cruise, Angelos will try innovative sonar techniques on an underwater glider that will allow its unattended operation in confined environments for extended time periods while cooperating with the other robotic vehicles.
