WaterWords of the Day: Methanogenesis

The WaterWord: Methanogenesis Definition: Anytime you see the word “genesis,” you’re looking at the beginning of something, and methanogenesis is no exception. It refers to the creation of methane by a specific set of microbes (microscopic organisms) that produce methane as a byproduct of digesting their food. Etymology: Methane comes from the French word methylene, itself made … Continued

Source of the Seeps

Seven days have gone past since we set sail from Astoria, and every day we have looked at these methane seeps. Bubbles, nosy sablefish, half-buried clams, and colorful corals have dominated our ROV feeds from SuBastian. But in this log, I would like to shed a little light on a different aspect of all of … Continued

WaterWord of the Day: Methane Seep

The WaterWord: Methane Seep Definition: Ever see a movie set at the bottom of the sea, and notice occasional streams of bubbles coming up from the seafloor? That’s what a methane seep is: A point where methane (a gas) escapes from the rock into the ocean above it. It is one of several types of … Continued