Sea to Space Particle Investigation

Cruise Log


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

It has been a magnificent journey. Being surrounded by the Pacific Ocean on all sides for 25 days has deepened my connection to our water...


What Color is the Ocean? The Sky?

What Color is the Ocean? The Sky? Most of us would reply immediately—blue! But what shade of blue? I am exploring this topic during the...


Phytoplankton Sampling Strategies

Plankton comes from the greek word planktos, meaning wanderer. It does not define a specific organism, but rather a specific life style. Plankton consist of all...

SOI/ Ben Knorlein

Weekly Video ~ Wrapping up the Sea to Space Expedition

“All of these different people with different perspectives, but everybody is interested in the same question. And when you have people thinking about the same...


Science at Sea: Challenges, Silver Linings, and Success

The sediment traps and the Wirewalker were recovered after three days of collecting data with a big surprise. Some parts were bent, and three out of the four...


The Ocean’s Colors from Space

Earth’s ocean is vast and deep, and we still need to study many things about it. To investigate and quantify biological and chemical processes, for...

NASA/ Norman Kuring

Phytoplankton in Three Phases

I always knew that one day I wanted to study the ocean, even though I grew up just north of Pittsburgh and had never seen...

SOI/ Mónika Naranjo González

Maiden Voyages

Melissa Omand, interdisciplinary physical oceanographer from the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography, was confronted with a conflict: it was time for an upgrade...


Going With the Flow

Trying to sleep on a trampoline while somebody is jumping on it - this is how it feels during many nights at sea as the...

SOI/ Ben Knorlein

Weekly Video ~ A Close-Up View

See up close how the results of sampling from the Sea to Space expedition by researchers aboard FALKOR will work with readings from satellites to increase...


Measuring the Pulse of the Ocean

Act 1: Blowin’ in the wind At the unholy hour of 0400, I find myself on the aft deck of the world-class research vessel Falkor, bubbling...

SOI/ Mónika Naranjo González

Video ~ Rough Recovery

Often, the "small victories" of a research cruise are what add up to a successful expedition. This video gives a great look into what many...

SOI/ Colleen Durkin

Every Other Breath

As an undergraduate student, Colleen Durkin had no idea what to specialize in, but looking at a seawater sample through a microscope during a field-trip...

SOI/ Ben Knorlein

Sea to Space Trek: Oceans, the Final Frontier

Every great ship needs a Holodeck. Not for entertainment, but for science. Star Trek's fictional Holodeck can create matter virtually (in our case, it would be...

SOI/ Ben Knorlein

Weekly Video ~ Exploring and Explaining Instruments

Drawings, Paintings, Lasers and Virtual Reality: Take a tour of the research and instruments being used on the Sea to Space Particle Investigation.

SOI/ Mónika Naranjo González

Zen and the Art of Wirewalker Maintenance

I have sailed with my share of compelling characters since I began ocean research, and perhaps it is fitting that while we study ocean color aboard...

SOI/ Mónika Naranjo González

Microbes Run the Show

Researchers in the Dry Lab are able to examine the most recent Virtual Reality simulations created from holographic photos taken in each CTD cast. With this experience,...

SOI/ Kirsten Carlson

Taking Sail on a Creative Voyage from Sea to Space

Aloha! My name is Kirsten Carlson and I am the Artist-at-Sea aboard R/V Falkor’s Sea to Space Particle Investigation cruise. During this voyage, I will...

SOI/ Mónika Naranjo González

Science Challenges at Sea: A Plumbing Story

When people think of science, the first examples that come to mind are often dramatic triumphs—the moon landing, the invention of DNA sequencing, or the...


Sea to Space ~ Introduction Video

"The whole driver for the cruise is to be able to collect data that will help us better understand the imagery collected by Ocean Color...

SOI/ Mónika Naranjo González

The Buzz

The weather is perfect as oceanographer Melissa Omand stands on Falkor’s aft deck overseeing the deployment of her treasured Wirewalker. The sophisticated instrument is designed...
