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Evergreen Posts
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Daily Posts
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Feb 22
Join us counting down the days to Research Vessel #FalkorToo‘s inaugural science expedition! Built to boldly explore our unknown Ocean, excite interest, and inform the wise stewardship of our planet – 9 days until research begins! Suggested link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGVqQI3okzbArZ1orJXmhdB8zrmIWkuZ
Feb 25
Exploring the Deep
Most of the #DeepSea below 2000m hasn’t been explored. Although only 0.25% of Earth’s surface is deeper than 6000m, these are the least known areas of our planet. Research Vessel #FalkorToo will be cutting-edge platform for remotely operated vehicles. Science starts in 6 days!
Feb 26
Frontiers of Biodiversity
Despite darkness + crushing depth, the #DeepSea is alive. Research Vessel #FalkorToo has 8 labs and more space than most other vessels, allowing for greater capabilities for real time sampling, studying, and identification of species. The ship’s first expedition begins in 5 days!
Feb 28
Technologies for the Future
#1 expedition with our new Research Vessel starts in 3 days! With 100+ scientific sensors, computers+control systems linked by 200km of AV/IT cables, #FalkorToo will support development of advanced tech (like autonomous vehicles) to advance marine research https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGVqQI3okzbArZ1orJXmhdB8zrmIWkuZ
March 1
Power of Nature
The Ocean plays a vital role driving climate, weather + ecosystem interactions on all scales. Fine-scale features are critical in forecasting, but are notoriously difficult to measure. R/V #FalkorToo’s High-Performance Computing #HPC system can be used at sea to improve modeling.
March 2
Stability of Ocean
One of the most exciting parts of Research Vessel #FalkorToo isn’t attached to the ship: All data collected is openly available for scientists, managers, policy makers around the world – guidance to understand our oceans+make better decisions. The 1st expedition begins tomorrow!
March 3
Bonus Post #1
“#FalkorToo will make it possible to welcome more scientists aboard- take them further+deeper into our unknown Ocean, making possible a new&wondrous decade of discovery.” Wendy Schmidt, President+Co-Founder @SchmidtOcean. So excited to begin #ChapterToo with this wonderful ship!