Going with the Flow: Targeted Autonomous Drifting

There are three major issues that limit widespread and frequent seafloor imaging: cost, personnel to operate platforms, and the technical complexity of long-duration vehicles. The engineering team working on this project aim to increase researchers’ ability to gather scientifically useful seafloor imagery in coastal and shelf environments with technologies that can increase ease of use while reducing costs of acquisition.

Eddy Exploration and Ecosystem Dynamics

If you have ever flown over the Pacific and looked down from the window seat, the water seems still. Viewed from this distance, the water appears stagnant with unmoving dashes of waves.

Coordinated Robotics Part 2: ʻAuʻAu Channel

There is a great need to increase the efficiency of marine research. Building global ocean mapping infrastructure is difficult given the financial costs and human effort required in traditional oceanographic technology.

Tracking the Tasman Sea’s Hidden Tide

The first ever comprehensive study of the largest, most focused internal tide on the planet, which moves across the Tasman Sea each day. During this expedition, researchers will amass data that will improve general understanding of the phenomenon, as well as the ability to incorporate internal tide effects accurately in climate models.