Sibille is technical staff at the Millennium Institute of Oceanography (IMO) in Phytoplancton Diversity Ecology and Life Cycle Adaptations (PhytoDELICA), the laboratory of Professor Peter von Dassow. She is in charge of all the logistics associated with the field. Her interest is related to understan ding the distribution of phytoplankton in oxygen minimum zones.
She is a marine biologist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), she obtained the Juan Carlos Castilla award for academic excellence to the best graduate of her generation (2016). She worked in the team of assistants in the Oceanography courses at PUC. She has experience in the analysis of currents in space, time and frequency, using matlab.
During the cruise she will be in charge of using the Cytosense flow cytometer with image capture, in addition to conducting experiments associated with the impact of nitric oxide on phytoplankton.
Sibille loves working at sea and this is her second oceanographic cruise and is very excited to learn and share with people from different countries who share her love for science.