Dr Paige Maroni is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow from the University of Western Australia (UWA). Maroni received her Ph.D. from UWA in 2023 and her undergraduate degree and fist-class Honours degree from Murdoch University in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Since 2016, Maroni has also actively maintained her position as a Research Associate at the Western Australian Museum and has collaborated with various departments including the Molecular Systematics Unit, the Aquatic Zoology department, and the Arachnology and Entomology departments. Maroni has also participated in seven research expeditions including spending two-months in the Southern Ocean collecting benthic, sub-Antarctic marine invertebrates, acting as Chief Scientist onboard a deep-sea submersible and specimen collection expedition in the North Pacific or diving in a submersible to investigate the Japan Trench. Maroni is an Early Career Researcher but has already been awarded thirteen research grants or prizes, has authored or co-authored many scientific publications, and is an active public speaker/science communicator. Maroni is also an active member of globally recognised professional societies including the Ocean Census Science Network, the UN Ocean Decade Early-Career Ocean Professionals Network and is a Deep Ocean Early-Career Researchers (DOER) program fellow.

Overall, Maroni’s research focuses on discovering new marine species, cryptic species complexes, molecular taxonomy, population genetics and understanding how marine species have evolved through tectonic time. Maroni’s research incorporates phylogenetics, species delimitation tools and bioinformatics to merge her biological questions with genome-level datasets for data visualisation and interpretation. She also works across many different habitats including Antarctica, tropical reefs, and the deep sea.
