Of Mexican nationality, formed in the Postgraduate in Earth Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Carmen specializes in the Hydroacoustic Processing (Multibeam Bathymetry and Seismic Reflection of high resolution). She has experience in Marine Geophysical Research campaigns in Mexico since 2011, including studies in the Submarine Canyon Balsas, Guaymas Basin and Lost Folding Belt in the Gulf of Mexico. She has participated in the work of the University Laboratory of Oceanic Cartography of UNAM since its foundation (2016) and has processed bathymetry data for the analysis of environmental impact in the oil industry in Mexico (shallow water). Maintains collaboration with working groups that study the Pacific margin in the Seismotectonic context and has collaborated in funding and recovery of OBS’s and OPS’s instruments.
She is a person who tries to always maintain an excellent work environment and likes to learn new skills. She loves to spend time with her family among nature. She likes Science Fiction y listening trance-progressive (all happy music) while she works. Maintains interest in the development of education in rural communities in Mexico and the recycling of solid waste in the world.