Dr. Julia Brown is a Research Scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in East Boothbay, Maine, USA. Her research focuses on disentangling interactions between viruses and microbes using integrative techniques that merge information gained from single cell genomes with diverse data types. Julia was previously a Bioinformatics Scientist for the Single Cell Genomics Center where she gained deep knowledge of computational approaches to investigate microbial single cell genomes. Julia will be leading the team investigating the role of viruses within the ETSP OMZ.
Julia received her PhD from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY where she utilized viral metagenomics and other molecular techniques to study viruses associated with marine and freshwater cyanobacteria. She conducted postdoctoral research in computational biology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, NY where she examined genomic drivers of phage infection through interrogation of a large infection network of cultivated phages of marine Vibrio. When not thinking about microbial genomes or viruses, Julia is chasing around her two young daughters.