Germán Zapata Hernández currently is working as Postdoctoral Researcher in the Genoa Marine Centre belonging to the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy. His interest involves the biology and ecology of shallow and deep-water benthic environments (e.g., rocky and coral reefs, seagrasses, sediments, seamounts, methane seeps, and fjords). His works integrate biodiversity assessments, community ecology, elements and organic matter fluxes, in order to understand biogeochemical processes and their roles on benthic ecosystems functioning. Currently, he is studying the impacts of natural and anthropogenic drivers on benthic communities in the Mediterranean Sea and across Pacific islands.
Germán Zapata Hernández is a Marine Biologist and Doctor in Biology and applied ecology from the Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile. He has experience as a scientific diver and working onboard Oceanographic cruises studying reducing environments and seamounts across the Eastern South Pacific. He is excited to explore the benthic ecosystems from Nazca, Sala & Gomez, and Juan Fernández ridges and contribute to the research team’s knowledge and conservation efforts.