Greg Skrzypek holds a PhD from the University of Wroclaw (Poland). He is an expert in stable isotope geochemistry, working as a Senior Lecturer at The University of Western Australia (UWA). Currently, he is serving as the deputy director of the West Australian Biogeochemistry Centre at UWA, a board member of the Archaeology, Geosciences & Environmental Sciences Specialist Committee at the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering and a stable isotope expert to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Greg also held a prestigious Australian Research Council Future Fellowship.
Greg has undertaken studies and fieldwork in many countries and regions including High Arctic, the USA, Europe, Southeast Asia and across Australia. His research focuses on applications of the stable isotope techniques in hydrological, hydrochemical, ecological and paleoclimate studies. He uses stable H, C, N, O, S, and Sr isotopes to trace water budget, nutrient fluxes in natural environments, and dispersal of pollution in environments impacted by mining and agriculture. Greg has unique expertise combining theoretical knowledge on applications of stable isotopes with practical skills on sample preparation, processing and analysis and several years of laboratory experience. He has also developed software for processing stable isotope results for the estimation of evaporative losses and contributed to establishing several geochemical baselines for Pilbara in Western Australia.