Corina Barbalata is currently a Research Fellow in the Deep Robot Optical Perception (DROP) Lab in the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Department at University of Michigan. In 2017 she received a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Heriot-Watt University, UK. She received in 2013 a double M.S degree in Computer Vision and Robotics from University of Burgundy and Heriot-Watt University as part of the VIBOT (VIsion and RoBOTtics) European program. Previously she graduated in 2011 with a B.S. from Transilvania University in Romania.
Her research is focused on developing robotic systems that are able to operate in complex and unstructured environments. Her interests are control theory, motion and interaction planning and energy-efficient systems with applications for underwater autonomous systems and mobile manipulation. Corina is currently working in developing efficient optimal control and planning systems for autonomous underwater vehicles and mobile manipulators acting in dynamic environments.