I am a PhD candidate based at Ocean and Littoral Sedimentary Processes group of the Marine Science Institute (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona. I study Cold-Water Corals of Cabliers Bank, one of the very few thriving populations in the Mediterranean Sea. My research aims on understanding how these communities self-organize over time and space in a such unique environment through ROV-based imagery and 3D photogrammetry.
Prior to this position, I participated as project technician in the RESCAP and MITICAP projects, which aimed to restore gorgonian populations collected in fishing by-catch and mitigate the impacts of artisanal fishing on sensitive habitats of the Mediterranean continental shelf. During the past eight years I collaborated in different projects at ICM-CSIC that included the development of experiments with living corals and the geochemical analyses of modern and fossil corals as well as marine sediments for paleo-reconstructions.