Antonia Kayser completed her B.Sc. degree in biology at the University of Oldenburg and currently pursues a M.Sc. degree at the same institution. With plans to graduate by the end of 2025, Antonia is deeply committed to advancing her expertise in marine biodiversity research.
Her professional experience includes working at the company INES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) in Wilhelmshaven, where she worked with macrofauna communities from the deep sea, with a special focus on genetic analyses.
After a two weeks cruise in the North Sea and a six-week cruise in the pacific (CCZ), Antonia is experienced in working on board of a research vessel, using several different gears such as the multicorer, boxcorer, multinet, and the epibenthic sledge.
She is very excited for the upcoming Antarctic cruise, looking forward to meeting new people and contributing to the vital work of addressing knowledge gaps in marine environments.