“My work is in biodiversity education both with the paintings I create and the biodiversity school and community projects that I deliver. I hope that my artworks will conjure for the viewer something of the wonder and beauty of the plants and animals that I study.” Angela Rossen partners with a range of organizations to deliver biodiversity conservation art and science projects throughout metropolitan, regional, and remote Western Australia. Her school and community biodiversity projects aim to grow reconnection to – and deeper understanding of – the abundance, variety, and sheer ingenuity of the natural world: a bounty that has to be conserved and protected for all future generations.

In 1981 she graduated from Curtin University with Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts painting major. Since that time, her visual arts practice has focussed on the creation and regular exhibition of paintings as well as a range of collaborations with Arts, government, industry, education, research and community organisations. Her current position as Honorary Research Associate with the School of the Biological Sciences at The University of Western Australia brings together her particular interest in the Ocean and conservation and sustainability projects with school and community groups. She also holds the inaugural position of Adjunct Artist with the Australian Institute of Marine Science AIMS.

“I have the good fortune to work with scientists which allows me to broaden and deepen my understanding of nature and of the work they do to monitor human impacts and changes that are happening in natural systems as a result.”

