Dr Andrew Carroll is a marine ecologist at Geoscience Australia (GA), with research expertise in the management and conservation of marine biodiversity and the assessment of anthropogenic stressors on marine fauna. Andrew completed a Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) and a PhD at Southern Cross University (Australia), where he studied patterns of coral reproduction and larval ecology on the Great Barrier Reef, Lord Howe Island, New Caledonia and French Polynesia. Since joining GA in 2012, Dr Carroll has applied his research and management expertise to address multiple government initiatives and strategic priorities as they relate to the management of Australia's marine estate. Andrew has led and participated in several national and international seabed mapping surveys and is involved in the delivery of national biodiversity and marine datasets through Australia’s National Environmental Science Program (NESP) – Marine Biodiversity Hub, and other work programs at GA, including the AusSeabed initiative.