Exploring the Ocean with Creative Commons: Sharing Data, Images, and Footage

SOI has now applied the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License for non-commercial use to provide open and easier accessibility to the data collected on the vessel, including footage of deep-sea creatures and underwater landscapes. This initiative promotes collaboration, education, transparency, and accessibility in Ocean research and encourages everyone to explore the depths and discover the wonders of the Ocean. The footage, which includes stunning visuals of deep-sea creatures and underwater landscapes, can be accessed after completing the intake form on SOI’s website.

SOI’s open data and image sharing policy reminds us that scientific discoveries belong to everyone and that we all have a role to play in protecting the Ocean and its inhabitants. Under the Creative Commons license, those who need the data will be able to access and use it as they wish, including the stunning visuals captured during research expeditions. Whether you are a scientist, filmmaker, educator, or simply a lover of the Ocean, there’s never been a better time to explore the depths and discover all the Ocean has to offer. We are excited to see how our data will be used in the coming months and years. More information about the open access to SOI data can be found on our website.

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