Schmidt Ocean Institute is committed to the open sharing of information and materials related to science and technology research missions, advanced maritime learning, and the conservation of marine environments when used to inform and educate the public on deep marine biodiversity.
We are happy to offer a streamlined process for requests when usage falls within the parameters outlined in the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License. However, due to our legal status as a 501(c)(3) private operating foundation, no media produced by Schmidt Ocean Institute may be used in attempting to influence legislation or lobbying.
If your intended use falls within these guidelines, please click HERE.
For all other requests, please complete THIS FORM. You will need to list all images and videos you are requesting. Upon review, if we are able to provide the imagery to you, we will send you our standard Licensing Agreement. Please understand that submitting a request is not a confirmation of approval or delivery. Schmidt Ocean Institute will process each request in the order received and will contact you if additional information is needed or to deliver legal documents. Due to the high demand for our collection, all requests should be submitted a minimum of 4-6 weeks prior to the requested deadline. Files will be delivered digitally. We do not charge for footage that has approved usage.