Press Release /

One Step Closer to the Seafloor – New Underwater Robotic Vehicle Tested in Guam

APRA HARBOR, GUAM – After a month of completing rigorous tests in the open ocean off the island of Guam in the western Pacific, the new Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)...

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Press Release /

Scientists Explore Earth’s Newest Land Using Advanced, High-Resolution 3D Mapping

SUVA, FIJI – Research vessel (R/V) Falkor will return to port today after 28 days at sea conducting pioneering studies including mapping the Earth’s newest island landscape in the Kingdom...

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Press Release /

Virtual Reality Technology Reveals Underwater Vents in New Ways

Scientists aboard Schmidt Ocean Institute’s research vessel Falkor have developed the first 3D model of an entire hydrothermal vent field for Virtual Reality, covering the largest area of seafloor ever...

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Press Release /

Newly Discovered Seafloor Rise Named for Those Who Keep Ships Running

PALO ALTO, CA – Less than three months after announcing Falkor Seamount, an underwater mountain discovered and named by the crew aboard Schmidt Ocean Institute’s research vessel Falkor, the team...

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Cruises /

New Deep-Sea Vents and Volcanic Activity Discovered in the Mariana Back-Arc

HAGANTA, GUAM – A diverse team of scientists are returning from a 28-day expedition onboard R/V Falkor that has more than doubled the number of known hydrothermal vent sites in...

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