The Secret World of Deep Sea Corals
One of the main goals of the Perth Canyon research cruise is to locate and collect a variety of marine organisms that are living down at great depths, in particular deep-sea corals. But what are deep-sea corals and why are researchers so interested in them? Deep-sea corals are widely distributed within the earth’s oceans and … Continued
Engineering a Career in Ocean Science
As you may have noticed, there is a lot of high-tech experimental equipment and instruments on an oceanographic research cruise.
Beginning a Research Career
For new comers to science, it is important that they begin their journey in some particular way.
Oh they glow…
If you have not already become enamored by the beautiful and diverse marine zooplankton that we have been talking about over the past week, let me give you one more reason– they glow! Well, some of them do at least, and one of the projects on this cruise has been to dig a bit deeper … Continued
Deep-Sea Corals Under Stress
The weather was too rough for deploying any instruments today. But the science team continued to work on experiments in the lab. Molecular ecologist Dr. Iliana Baums and graduate student Danielle Young worked into the late hours to complete a four-day experiment on deep-sea corals that were collected on the first ROV dive. Corals live … Continued
Diving for Deep-Sea Corals
The research team onboard was very excited to begin scientific underwater surveys and sample collections with remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Global Explorer MK3 this morning. The primary objective for this ROV dive is to collect live deep-sea corals of two different species for molecular ecologist Iliana Baums and graduate students Danielle Young and Arielle Anderson. … Continued
S S Terra Nova discovered
August 13, 2012—Last month, during routine functional performance testing of the mutibeam mapping echosounders on the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s flagship R/V Falkor, the team aboard—including researchers from the University of New Hampshire, Ifremer, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution—discovered the S.S. Terra Nova, a whaler, sealer and polar exploration ship that sunk off the southern coast … Continued