A Changing River: Measuring Nutrient fluxes to the South China Sea

Cruise Log

SOI/Ajit Subramaniam

Expedition Wrap Up Video

As the research comes to an end, researchers and crew discuss the highlights, discoveries and successes of this unique expedition.


Big Becomes Great

Ajit Subramaniam defines himself as a Tactile Oceanographer: “I need to throw up in the water before I can understand it,” he jokes. That is...

SOI/Monika Naranjo Gonzalez

The Thrill of Predictability

There are those who argue that predictability is the greatest gift of progress, the biggest merit of civilization. Our ability to explain nature through science...

SOI/Lam Nguyen-Ngoc

It is what it is – Searching for Symbiosis

Andreas Novotny thought he would find Hemiaulus here. He has not. “It is what it is, which is fine,” he says. “What we need to...


Week Two – Video

Experience the sampling and studies researchers are accomplishing aboard R/V Falkor while measuring nutrient fluxes in the South China Sea. Learn about their goals and...

SOI/Monica Naranjo Gonzalez

Seas the Day

The first time you set sail is a memory that stays with you. Looking out over the rails, I watched the breathtaking view of Nha...

SOI/Monika Naranjo Gonzalez

The Expected Unexpected

Unrelenting questions that press for a definitive, but elusive, answer are precisely the kind of questions that fuel Chief Scientist Joseph Montoya's love for oceanography. He...

SOI/Monika Naranjo Gonzalez

5 Reflections Beyond World Oceans Day

R/V Falkor is holding station just seven nautical miles off the coast of Vietnam. On her starboard side, mountains blend into a hypnotising silhouette that is suddenly...

SOI/Monika Naranjo Gonzalez

Unidentified Strange Object

Dr. Lam Nguyen-Ngoc leans over his microscope. He is soon joined by fellow marine planktonist Hai Doan-Nhu, and they both smile. The news spreads fast and...


Week One – Video

"Our business is helping humanity better understand how the Oceans work, better understand how the planet works." Our first weekly review video introduces some of the...


The Big Picture

What comes to mind when you think of the ocean? Waves, vastness, blue, or the many things that it contains. You may picture dolphins or...


The Dragons are Calling

Verdant mountains embroider a necklace that surrounds the half-moon shaped beach of Nha Trang, where R/V Falkor awaits her next expedition. Life everywhere is dependent on...
