Matek, A., Bosak, S., Supraha, L., Neeley, A., Visic, H., Cetinic, I. and Ljubesic, Z. (2023). Phytoplankton diversity and chemotaxonomy in contrasting North Pacific ecoystems. PeerJ 11, doi: 10.7717/peerj.14501. [This article has been published as OPEN ACCESS]. 

Matek, A., Bosak, S., Supraha, L., Neeley, A., Visic, H., Cetinic, I. and Ljubesic, Z. (2023). Phytoplankton diversity and chemotaxonomy in contrasting North Pacific ecoystems. PeerJ 11, doi: 10.7717/peerj.14501. [This article has been published as OPEN ACCESS].