Soobum Bae holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Texas at Austin, and a master of engineering degree in Ocean Engineering from Texas A&M University.
With Dr. Socolofsky and Dr. Wang’s advice, Soobum’s research focuses on development of comprehensive understanding and knowledge about the near-field behavior of bubble plumes in different characteristics and the transition stages between different bubble plumes. He is also in the process of building high pressure water tunnel in small scale in order to understand dynamics of hydrates of various gas bubbles (i.e. methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen) and oil droplets under different pressure, temperature, and salinity conditions.
Before starting his graduate studies at Texas A&M University, he was a Hazardous-Material / Equipment Control agent at Mediterranean Shipping Company and managed administrative procedures and haz-mat safety regulations (49 CFR and IMDG). In Summer 2017, he also served as an interpreter for crystallization specialists from Outotec Inc. during their advisory visit to the facility sites in Haman, Korea.